Flutter enthusiast Anton Antonchik's projects information page
A simple but useful package that won’t let you be confused with what exactly units are you using in a particular place and get the necessary one in an easy way.
The package intended to help developers comfortably handle routine operations with commonly used units of measure, provide seamless units conversions and to improve readability and unambiguity of code. # #
International Standard Atmosphere package. The package allows to find physical characteristics and params of standard or customized atmosphere at the given altitude (up to 80 km) according to ICAO Doc 7488.
This international standard specifies the characteristics of an ICAO standard atmosphere. It is intended for use in calculations in the design of aircraft, in presenting test results of aircraft and their components under identical conditions, and to facilitate standardization in the development and calibration of instruments. Its use is also recommended in the processing of data from geophysical and meteorological observations. # #